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Hong Kong Violin Soloist|Chamber Musician

香港的年青小提琴家蔡君楊,於2023年為首位香港代表參加第十四屆中國音樂金鐘獎小提琴比賽。蔡氏贏得多項國際賽殊榮,包括2018誼樂社年青音樂家招募的優勝者,2017年哈德遜河谷愛樂弦樂比賽冠軍以及紐約國際藝術家協會(小提琴),2017 年波士頓流行協奏曲比賽中得獎,2015 比雅思小提琴比賽第三名,以及2006年全港青年音樂家大賽冠軍。蔡氏曾為美國匹茲堡交響樂團、波士頓管弦樂團、香港管弦樂團特約樂手及誼樂社年青演奏家。現時蔡氏是香港活躍的小提琴獨奏家,室樂演奏家,香港弦樂團首席、傳承愛樂客席首席、香港歌劇院副首席,小提琴及室樂教育家。

蔡氏六歲開始學習小提琴,師從小提琴家梁建楓,八歲時入讀香港演藝學院(HKAPA)的青少年課程,並於十七歲時取得音樂文憑證書。他又分別於2015及2017年於波士頓新英倫音樂學院完成學士及碩士學位課程,在學期間先後師隨小提琴名師Paul Biss 及Donald Weilerstein 學習。 蔡氏曾參與多個國際大賽,如2017年Elmar Oliveira國際小提琴比賽、第11屆維尼亞夫斯基國際青年小提琴比賽,以及第6屆柴可夫斯基國際青年小提琴比賽。 


蔡氏熱愛獨奏及室內樂演奏,常與著名的音樂家合作,包括國際大提琴家李垂誼合作、香港鋼琴家李嘉齡、張緯晴、黃蔚然黃家正、香港中文提琴家劉子正。2021 年他獲著名大提琴家李垂誼邀請,於「樂‧誼國際音樂節」中跟他於香港大會堂演奏韋華第雙重協奏曲、同年於香港大會堂與著名鋼琴家李嘉齡演奏韋華第<<四季>>協奏曲之冬季。他又屢次獲誼樂社邀請,為前香港行政長官董建華先生作演奏。此外,他又被香港聯校樂團邀請於香港文化中心演奏西貝遼士小提琴協奏曲。2019年他獲邀以獨奏身份與廈門愛樂樂團演出,並得著名指揮家傳人長的高度讚揚。2017年他以獨奏身份與哈德遜河谷愛樂樂團演出西貝遼士小提琴協奏曲,並於同年獲邀亮相 Paesaggi Musicali Toscani 音樂節,其後於9月下旬在意大利與傳奇鋼琴家布魯諾·卡尼諾 (Bruno Canino) 舉行了獨奏會,並且於2017 年 9 月以紐約國際藝術家協會(NYIAA)優勝者身份在紐約卡內基音樂廳進行了首次獨奏會。


蔡氏擁有豐富的室內樂經驗,曾經接受 Joel Krosnick、Laurie Smukler、Katherine Murdock、Mai Motobuchi、Yeesun Kim、Roger Tapping、Natasha Brofsky、Vivian Weilerstein、Donald Weilerstein 等知名藝術家指導。 他又曾經參與美國弦樂四重奏、太平洋弦樂四重奏、茱莉亞弦樂四重奏、艾默生弦樂四重奏、帕加弦樂四重奏( Parker String Quartet) 的大師班演出,並屢次參加了 Kneisel Hall 室內音樂節,此外於2018 年聯同Ceres Quartet 參與阿斯彭(Aspen) 夏季音樂節的高級四重奏課程及茱莉亞弦樂四重奏研討會。




Hong Kong-born young Violinist Brian Kwan Yeung Choi, has become the first Hong Kong representative to ever participate in the 14th Edition Chinese National Golden Bell Violin Competition in 2023. Brian has won numerous international competitions, including the winner of the Musicus Society‘s Young Artist Audition program in 2018, the Hudson Valley Philharmonic String Competition First Prize in 2017, the New York International Artists Association (NYIAA) First Prize in 2017, the Third Prize in the Boston Pops Concerto Competition in 2017, Third prize in the Bales Violin Competition in 2015, and the Hong Kong Young Musician of the Year First Prize in 2006. Brian has performed with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra as well as the Musicus Society. Brian is currently an avid violin soloist, chamber musician as well as Concertmaster of the Hong Kong String Orchestra, Guest Concertmaster of the In-heritage Philharmonic, Associate Concertmaster of the Opera Hong Kong.


Brian started learning the violin at the age of six. Brian entered the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) at the age of eight as a preparatory student under the tutelage of violinist Leung Kin Fung, and he obtained the Certificate of Music at HKAPA at the age of seventeen. He recently completed a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree at the New England Conservatory (NEC) in Boston, where he studied with violin masters Paul Biss, and pedagogue Donald Weilerstein. He has participated in several international competitions, including as a semi-finalist in the Elmar Oliveira International Violin Competition in 2017, the 11th Wieniawski International Violin Competition for Young Violinists, as well as the 6th Tchaikovsky International Youth Violin Competition.


He has frequently performed as a soloist and in chamber music concerts. He often collaborates with famous musicians, including famous cellist Trey Lee, Hong Kong Pianist Colleen Lee, Rachael Cheung, Vanessa Wong, KaJeng Wong, and Hong Kong Violist Born Lau. In 2021, he has invited by the famous cellist Trey Lee to perform Vivaldi Double Concerto with him at the Hong Kong City Hall at the “ Musicus International Festival”. In the same year, he performed Vivaldi's Winter from "The Four Seasons" Concerto with the famous pianist Colleen Lee at the Hong Kong City Hall. He has been repeatedly invited by the Music Society to perform for Mr. Tung Chee-hwa, the former Chief Executive of Hong Kong. In Jan of 2022, he was invited by the Hong Kong Orchestra to perform the Sibelius Violin Concerto at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. In 2019, he was invited to perform with the Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra as a soloist and was highly praised by Maestro Fu. In 2017 he performed the Sibelius Violin Concerto as a soloist with the Hudson Valley Philharmonic Orchestra, and the festival Paesaggi Musicali Toscani as a guest artist in the same year performed a recital in Italy with the legendary pianist Bruno Canino in late August and made his debut recital in Carnegie Hall as the winner of the NYIAA in September 2017.


Brian has extensive chamber music experience, studying with renowned artists including Joel Krosnick, Laurie Smukler, Katherine Murdock, Mai Motobuchi, Yeesun Kim, Roger Tapping, Donald Weilerstein. He has also performed in masterclasses including for members of the American String Quartet, Pacifica String Quartet, Juilliard String Quartet, Emerson String Quartet, Parker String Quartet. He attended the Kneisel Hall Chamber Music Festival summer of 2016 and 2017 and was part of the Aspen Summer Music Festival Center for Advanced Quartet Studies, Juilliard String Quartet Seminar with the Ceres Quartet 2018.

Brian is currently an avid violin soloist, chamber musician as well as Concertmaster of the Hong Kong String Orchestra, Guest Concertmaster of the In-heritage Philharmonic, Associate Concertmaster of the Opera Hong Kong.

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